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Pretty in Pink

Roses and Ruffles Quilt

I just love anything that's pink.  There's something so cheerful and warm about it.  So this is what today's blog is all about......  Pink, pink and more pink!

I'm a big fan of raggy quilts.  I enjoy making them, and I love the way they improve with each wash.  I couldn't cope with anything so screechingly cute on my bed - but how gorgeous would it be for a little girls room?  The link offers a downloadable PDF pattern for this design, though the quilt is so straightforward, I doubt it is needed.

Darling Phoebe
I have to sneak my dear little dog into the frame.  This is how she appeared after discovering my make-up bag.  Blusher everywhere - but she looked so pretty it was impossible to be cross with her.  Phoebe was just a puppy here and extremely tiny. A Bichon Frise, she's an absolute darling and a joy to have as a pet.  She's a constant companion and loves nothing more than to snuggle in for a cuddle.
Arrangement by Dandelion Ranch
This flower arrangement is absolutely beautiful.  The roses look fabulous against the sea-foam background.  Perfection!
by AnneJulie Art
I've just discovered this artist and really love her style.  Very feminine and girly.... do take a look at her site as her art is fantastic.
I'm loving this decor.  Simple and effective, the pink walls are given added zing by the contrasting green seat cushions.  I'm quite taken by the lettering on the wall too.

This hair colour is fabulous.  If I had blond hair I would be dying it this colour tomorrow.  Sadly my hair is far too dark, so I'll have to be content with my cerise streaks.

I really need this coat from Sense of Fashion!
This coat!  I want it very badly, but I don't think I'd ever manage to keep it clean!
Unsure of source - but found on this blog
 This dresser is amazing.  Can picture it in a huge white painted kitchen, with natural slate floors and a pink Aga.  Doubt my hubby would be quite so keen, but imagine all the cupcake accessories I could make

From Etsy - unable to find the original link

Now I've seen these fabric branches, I really want to make some.  The leaves are a doddle, but I need to figure out what to use for the branches.  This is my sort of houseplant.... even I can't kill these.

What a lovely arrangement this is..... I wonder if the roses smell as good as they look?

from Rachel Denbow's blog
This room would look quite bland, despite all the artwork displayed on the wall.  The clever addition of the cerise chairs really brings the room to life, giving it real character.  I love it.
What a dreamy piece of art
What can I say about this picture?  Dreamy photography.... I can't figure out if the pink cloud is photoshopped or a smoke cannister.  Whatever - the finished result is fantastic.  I discovered this on Pinterest.  I'm not sure but I think the artist is by a Syliva ?  The link goes to her Pinterest page, and there are some fantastic photos on there.  Check out the images with balloons, they're realy lovely.

I do hope you've enjoyed my little foray into the world of pink.  I'm ending with this stunning sunset.
Imagine standing there watching the sun go down.  Oh!  Fabulous stuff.
print for sale on


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