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Crafty Sew & Sews - Super Storage Inspiration

Woudn't this be wonderful?

Who doesn't need more storage space for all their sewing paraphanelia?  I know I do.....  I've got boxes tucked away here there and everywhere in my home.  I've got a lovely desk, but it's a tad difficult to get at it as it's virtually buried away under the chaos of fabric and equipment.  Likewise underneath it - it would be a herculean task to manage to fit my legs beneath (and that would be after fighting my way onto my chair).   I do have a large shelving unit in the garge, and it's very neat and organized - but, and it's a big but...... it's not pretty in the least.

I want pretty, I want girly, I want yummy pastel colours..... I want practical!

Lets spend a little while cooing over some storage inspiration - I think there's some great ideas, and some are really cheap and easy to do. I've linked all the photos should you wish to investigate further.

Isn't this just a brilliant idea for storing buttons and beads?  The tiered cake-stand does the trick of sorting the colours and manages to look fantastic at the same time.  This lovely little creation belongs to Kendra McCracken

from Remodelaholic
And here's another fantastic cake inspired idea....
This time a cup-cake stand filled with little glasses.  Super cute and easily accessible. 

As seen in BHG
Is it possible to have a storage area any more girly than this?  Pastelled to the max and super twee, I still love it.  It makes me feel all relaxed and smiley just looking at it.  Surely the sun must always be shiny if you have this in your home!

Completely the other end of the decorating spectrum, this rack screams utility and modernity whilst still managing to look attractive.  By CraftyNest it is made from recycled bits and pieces.  I'm sure thats an old spice rack I can see.

I'm loving this little ladder.  I definitely need to be on the lookout for an old step-ladder to add a distressed paint finish to (I'm thinking white with duck-egg blue?).  I know it doesn't hold much, but it looks so pretty.... and what a great way to showcase a few special quilts.  This lovely creation is from AnK Bowtique

(It's at this point that I must stamp my feet and have a little 
hissy fit.... Blogger has started playing up AGAIN!  It was 
going so well - and now it's decided to stick and refuse to
let me put text and photos where I want.  So annoying.
Is anyone else having the same problems?)

Right-ho.  I've given the computer a hefty kick and told it what I think of it, so lets see if it will play ball....

I think I'm a little bit in love with the next storage star.  It's absolutely gorgeous.  Totally covetable... and I'm not sure I can live without it.  If the rest of the house matches this it must be divine.  (A brief peek at the website from whence it came confirms this suspicion).  I take my hat off to The Fancy Farmgirl - Can I come back as you in my next life?

I'm such a floozy..... as well as loving that little number, I've got a bit of a thing going on with this nifty green specimen.  How can a girl resist?  I mean - just look at the paintwork and the cubby holes....Phwoar!!!
found on Flickr - ScrapStudio

Not only are those gorgeous - this last one comes close in the lovely stakes.  If pushed I suppose I could force myself to fit them all in.  Only if I had to mind...  lol  (And especially if they all came supplied with their contents!  Oh....... Just imagine the delights?

from a Ribbon at a Time    


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