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Embroidery Inspiration

DIY Embroidered Moth
This is fabulous - found on Pinterest, but sadly it doesn't link back

After doodling with thread last night, I'm thinking embroidery today.  I love embroidery, though I don't have much patience.  I really must start on a project.  Here's a few that have caught my eye....

These little brooches are darling.  Come across these from the LiliPopo blog.  Must explore what over little lovelies are there.

detail - looove

Fabulous detail on the corner of this blanket, and relatively simple and quick to do.  Love it.  By Green Kitchen on Flickr.


What a charming hoop picture.  Very modern.  From the Feeling Stitchy blog.

sweet house

Loving this little house by House Wren Studio  The roof is such a great way of showcasing different embroidery stitches.

crazy quilting

This beautiful butterfly.  Isn't it stunning?  It's from the Crazy Quilting International blog, and I absolutely adore it.

 My #embroidery Little Tweetheart Doodle heart
I'll end today's post with one of my own designs.  Very simple stitching, but they go together really well (I think).  I designed it for a kit.  It seems like forever ago I made this, but on looking back I realise it was only last year - Little Tweetheart

Are you inspired to get stitching?


  1. Gorgeous photos, I love embroidery. Really love your cute design! Have a great weekend! xxx

    1. Thanks Katie. I'm hoping for sunshine - think we deserve some after the atrocious weather of the last few days

  2. Replies
    1. Aren't they? Want a dragonfly of my own now.

  3. Very nice.

    The top photo looks like it was made out of an old embroidered hanky or ufo. I bet you could copy it.

    1. I was wondering that too. Got a few of those stored away for crafty purposes. Now to hunt down a dragonfly pattern.

  4. The little bird and the dragonfly are my favorite :) I am always dabbling in embroidery :) I love the post, ty :)

    1. I adore Dragonflies, have two tattooed on my back. Like them at a distance mind.... can't be doing with buzzy things close by.

  5. They all look absolutely gorgeous! Have to get my embroidery silks out of hibernation ....

    1. I'd like to have embroidery skills, though I am happy to content myself with dabbling in a bit of simple stitchery.

  6. Hi Jan May, I recently joined your blog through BlogTrain - lovin all your crafty ideas ^_^
    The top pic of the embroidered moth is by Mister Finch

    1. Thank you Carolyn - I've just been over to have a look at Mister Finch..... wow! (another one to follow)


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