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Photo-a-day Challenge 2/365 (plus the Rules!)

I've made it to day 2
(And just discovered there's rules - so must dash off and take another pic!)
Darling Jasmine
For those wondering what I'm up to - I'm attempting to post a newly captured photograph every single day of the year.  This wasn't my idea....... all credit must go to Gill Edwards and her blog  Saturday's Child for providing the inspiration.  Do pop over and take a look at her blog, it's a lovely read - and Gill will make you feel very welcome.

There I was thinking..... "This will be a doddle".  How easy can it be to snap a picture a day and then post to the blog.  Particularly with the editing app on my phone that posts straight to it.

I took a lovely picture in the evening sun last night, posted it - then whilst grabbing links - realised.....

there's RULES!

That will serve me right for reading blog posts when I'm half awake, and my caffeine meter's running low.  Armed with this new information, I must quickly grasp today's challenge.  Let's have a shufty at the rules shall we -

blog challenge rules    (taken from Saturday's Child blog)

Okay i thought I'd spice things up a little and have a few rules to this post a-photo-a-day challenge.  Its not meant to be serious so if you don't want to follow them, that's fine.

If you do want to play along then these are what I've come up with so far.  Ill cut them into small chunks so we feel we are achieving something.

All photos must be taken on the day itself, if your camera has a date facility then you could switch it on.  You don't have to write anything to go with the image but some of the rules do ask for that.
 Days 1 - 7

Day 1 - free choice to begin with

Day 2 - a pet or if you dont have one a stuffed toy
Day 3 - anything edible
Day 4 - your favourite mug/cup
Day 5 - free choice but this time list 3 reasons why you have chosen it.
Day 6 - free choice but must be in landscape mode not portrait
Day 7 - draw a small picture and take a photo of it (don't worry if you cant draw, nor can i)

Days 8 - 14

Day 8 - Must have a 'triangle' in it
Day 9 - anything 'yellow'
Day 10 - anything fluffy but not living
Day 11 - A cloud formation
Day 12 - Anything beginning with 'B'
Day 13 - 2 ingredients you will use in any meal today
Day 14 - The theme of 'time' interpret it any way you wish

Woo Hoo, if you've made it this far, well done. Jump up and down and feel good about yourself and... oh okay enough of the cheesey phrases!


@litlemouselilly has come up with some great rules, i think you’ll agree with me that they are going to stretch us and be fun at the same time.

Ok some rule ideas that i came up with:

15.    Treasured childhood possession
16.    Macro shot (close up if no macro setting)
17.   Texture
18.   Looking up
19.   Looking down
20.   Try a different perspective (e.g get down on the floor)
21.   Weather
22.   Yourself (either an image of you however you want to do it or something that sums you up!)
23-29.  Pick a colour for a week


Brill new rules from Jan @cajamecreations. Cant wait to get started on these.

Your interpretation of the following...

Day 30. Water
Day 31. Insect
Day 32. What sums up home for you
Day 33. Favourite shoes
Day 34. Feathered friends
Day 35. Contents of handbag (no tidying up or adding pretty bits)
Day 36. Circles
Day 37. Obsession
Day 38. Stones/rocks/pebbles
Day 39. Black & White
Day 40. Fire
Day 41. Words
Day 42. Blue & White
Day 43. Autumnal mood
Day 44. Favourite drink
Day 45. Housework
Day 46. Altered images
Day 47. Call of the wild
Day 48. Red, white, blue
Day 49. Diamonds
Day 50. Socks

Well that will keep us busy until well into October. If we make it that far we all deserves a big treat!

Interesting eh!  Feeling tempted to take part?

Aha!  So today's theme is a pet or a stuffed toy.  A quick interlude whilst I go and beat one of the dogs into submission.  No good trying the cat, she'll be curled up in a ball this time of the morning and will just look like a fluffy pompom.  Grab a coffee, and await with nervous anticipation!  (edited to add, by the time you read this, the picture will have been posted - making last sentence nonsensical.  Bear with me - I'm not a morning person!).

Gill - you weren't kidding when you called this a challenge!  The dogs have gone to ground, in a deep sulk because it's raining.  I can't take a picture indoors, as I'm in desperate need of a housework fairy to come and rescue me.  The dogs refuse point-blank to go outside.  Have you ever had the pleasure of dragging an English Bulldog (all 6 and a half stone of him) through the house by his back legs, whilst he's pretending to be asleep?   Meanwhile my Bichon looks so painfully disdainful of my efforts that I refuse to take one..... two can play at that little game.

Cat it is then.  Truth be told, Jasmine isn't keen either.  Not long in from her prowls, she has wailed, rubbed and cajoled her breakfast out of me.  As far as she's concerned that's all that is required of her until this evening, and I find her in la-la land in the spare bedroom.  Well - I'm sorry sweetheart, but we all have to give to this cause - and you are my last resort.  Hey - what's this...... a cuddly toy too?  

Double whammy..... back of the net!

A 10 minute wrestling match later, I do have an image.  I also have a mouthful of fluff, and an extremely ticked-off cat.  Get over it Jasmine - you've got all day to sleep your temper off (and you know Mummy will be ready with your din-dins and a cheek rub later).  Okay - it's not a good image, but I daren't attempt another one.  Definitely a case of making do this morning!  Therefore I've upped the levels and applied a charcoal sketch tool, to the frankly very mundane and badly lit original image - and it looks a heap more interesting.  Jasmine even looks quite cute in it, which is amazing - seeing how her back end is pinned down to stop her escaping, and she's really snarling "bog off bitch and leave me alone".

I do hope others will join this crazy challenge.  I'm rather looking forward to looking at the daily entries.  After all, I need something else to waste my time over in my Internet doodling.    If you're going to join in, pop over to Saturday's Child and let her know.  Grab the button - and get snapping.
I'm ending with an older pet picture.  I just love the way the face of the cat is reflected in the metal corner of the pool table.  That cat posed beautifully - and it wasn't mine!  Honestly - your own pets, they're worse than children.


  1. Read your post to my sweet husband while he ate his breakfast. Nearly spit his coffee across the kitchen. Thanks for the giggle.

  2. Ha ha ha, you have just made my challenge sound so much more fun than i managed. I dont have dogs but do have 4 cats so i know what its like trying to get them to pose (a losing battle usually). I love the picture you chose and clever to add an effect to it. I may just nick that idea for another day.
    Thanks for the brilliant write up, if no one else joins you cant say you didnt try.
    Gill xxx

  3. I've just joined the challenge after seeing it on your blog and then going to visit Gill's (so love this idea!).. anyway I just did my pet photo... which actually went without any drama as she couldn't be arsed to move!

    I'm trying not to look at everyone elses photos until I've taken my own for the appropriate day, so they don't influence me - ask me to take a pic of something (other than my dog and my mind goes blank), and then I see other peoples photos and I'm like why couldn't I think of that!! So I've made my own rule up to get my brain actually working :)

    Anyway thanks both of you for getting this idea in front of me :)


  4. Ps I'd have so loved to have seen a picture of your English Bulldog, I love them


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