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Hooking up for some free wrist action

By golly - it's chilly!
Although it's not snowing - it's definitely the weather for protecting the digits.
I'm not sure where mine are - having currently located one glove...... and I'm not as brave as Michael Jackson was to adapt it as a fashion "look". 
Likely to remain with hands jammed firmly into pockets for the forseeable future.
Having found these fabulous free crochet patterns though - I feel an urge to get hooking.........
Note - you may need to be a Ravelry member to source their patterns.  Well worth signing up as many are free - and you can store any patterns you like in your own "library"  And - if you haven't entered into the world of Ravelry - be warned - you may be lost for some time!  It's a whole world of yarny loveliness.  A group I started some years back now has over 2000 members, and continues to carry on it's Oddballs theme quite merrily.
also - remember there is a difference between US and UK crochet terms - the stitches are of course the same, but the name for them is different.  I have to double check every time!

Liking the wrap around style to these, though think they could be a bit longer -
there would be a definite draught between where they end and my coat sleeves begin.
(my fault for having stretch-armstrong style arms)
Loving the style, though I think I would replace the flower with a fabric covered button.
Find the pattern here on Ravelry

The yarn has caught my eye with these ..... it's gorgeous.
The stitch looks simple and very quick to work too - these would run up in no time.
The pattern is found on the Bethco blog.

What appears to be another variegated yarn -
(don't you love these? no faffing about with joining in different colours)
Very pretty shell pattern too.
Another pattern sourced from Ravelry

Okay - so these will do nothing to keep you warm -
I've included them as they're simply gawguuss.
Love them - and would also love an occassion to warrant wearing a pair.

Pattern on LionBrand site. 
You need to sign up to access their patterns - but they're all free, and there are oodles of them.
Plus - they don't hassle you with emails for ever more.

These are chunky little pretties of loveliness aren't they?
Fab colour too
From the My Favourite Things blog

Whilst I'm not feeling the love for the flimmy-flammy bow -
I'm rather taken by the stitch and scalloped edge.
Another pattern from My favourite things

These delightful gloves are quirky enough to be my favourites.
I love them!  And the colours are magnificent.
Like cosy little dragon scales (or crocodile stitch according to pattern)
The final spot of wrist waving goes to these pretties.
Liking the length and stitch.
Not sure I would include the white
(for the simple reason they wouldn't stay white for long)
Hmmm - how about sequins instead?
Feeling the compulsion to crochet?  Yep - me too.  Though before I embark on any of these, I really need to get my act together and finish off embellishing a pair I began 2 years ago. (One has been finished for 2 years - the other probably only needs half an hour of so of fiddling with..... maybe next winter - yes?)  And then there's the granny squares I've been making for...............ever.  But a pair of gloves - I could do that in an evening!  May have to pop into John Lewis and ogle the yarns.  The price alone (for I always manage to lust after the dearest yarns available) should be enough to still the urge.
And - if you've never crocheted before.... don't be afraid to give it a go.  I find it so much easier than knitting, and far more relaxing.  There are a wealth of books to learn from now, but probably the best way is to learn from someone by sitting beside them.  Or follow a YouTube tutorial - there's heaps of them available.
Happy hooking :)


  1. Oh my gosh...the dragon scales are delightful. My first thought was that she was a wood nymph or fairy caught unawares by a photographer. I love their quirkiness.

    1. Me too - I love them. Haven't checked the pattern, but they look simple enough to do.


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