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The vintage magic of The Graphics Fairy

I've just realised that I've never let you know about the fabulous blog that is "The Graphics Fairy"
"The Graphics Fairy" .
I was so delighted when I discovered this cornucopia of vintage loveliness.  It's far too lovely to keep to myself.  The blog is run by Karen, and has amassed a huge following (and no wonder).  If you're anything like me and fond of all things vintage, you'll fall instantly in love and add it to your list of blogs to follow straight away.

Get ready to lose yourself in all the free to use clip art.  Be warned, you may be in there some time - there's so much to choose from!  I'm including a few snippets below to show you the sort of thing to expect......
 Isn't she adorable?  And where is she when I need her?
 Such a cheeky little miss! (I'm sure she's thinking something naughty!)
 Time to do some printing?
 I love, Love, LOVE Mason Jars
 Flower Fairy loveliness
 Historical and very toile-de-jouy (if that's spelt right it's a miracle!)
 Simply adorable
 Beautiful and serene
This one reminds me of my little madam

All the scraps featured on the site are vintage, and as such are royalty free.  This means they are available to download and use freely for whatever you like.  For me, it's a great source for my little fabric printing experiments.  I adore vintage..... something about the style, the colour of the printing, old photographs - I don't know what it is, but it always makes me feel good.

Do click on the link and pop over and have a shufty - it's really quite lovely!

Here it is again, to save scrolling to the top - CLICK HERE


  1. Thanks for the heads up. Gorgeous blog. I fear I might waste a few hours searching now...

  2. Thanks for your lovely comment today. I am a fan of the graphics fairy but as of yet have not sucessfully printed onto fabric, tried transfer paper but it made the image shiny and it lost some of its authenticity if you know what i mean. Love the crochet post. I'm a recent convert and am ploughing my way through my first blanket, your creations are gorgeous what've you got planned next?

  3. Wow, thanks so much for the wonderful post about my site!! I'm so glad you've been able to use some of my images for your creations!!


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