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My Memories - Digital Scrapbooking is very useful!

Some time ago I was approached by My Memories and asked if I would review their software on my blog.  At the time I was rather baffled, as although I'm a big photography fan I've never felt the need to do digital scrap booking of any kind.  Still...... the software came free, and I've never been one to turn down the offer of a freebie - so I said "Thank you very much".

I forgot all about it for quite a while, until I realised my blog was looking incredibly dull and I was in need of a decent header.  After fiddling about pathetically in Photoshop and Paint for ages to no avail, I suddenly spied the My Memories shortcut on my desktop and clicked on it.  I'm so glad I did.  Without it I would have had to resort to paying someone to make me one!  Sometimes I get so annoyed with myself......... (I'm artistic and have plenty of ideas, but transferring these through the medium of a computer mouse is frankly pathetic).  Now armed with a good basic supply of digital images, I was soon messing about happily.  The header that now adorns my blog was made totally using the software.
 Of course, as my blog is mostly sewing based, I required some sewing themed embellishments.  I purchased two digital "packs" in order to obtain the items I needed.  This cost me approximately £5, and once purchased, the packs were available to download immediately to my computer.

The software is easy to use.  Every time you create something, you open an "album" in which you have a choice of three templates -  a portrait, landscape or square page.  Simply give the album a name and you are ready to create the same as you would in a Word document.  There are a multitude of "papers" to choose from.  Adding text and embellishments is very simple.  Once added, an item can be manipulated with ease until it looks exactly the way you want it to.  Of course, as this software is designed for scrap-booking it is possible to add your own photographs.

Whilst I am never likely to use the software for what it's intended, it's already proved an invaluable creative tool...... for both my blog, and in other printing applications.  I've used the software to create brochures and to print fabric sheets, and I know it's a programme I will return to again and again in the future.
Wherever your interests lie, you are bound to find digital elements to suit.  A quick search of the My Memories site, and you will discover thousands of themes available for sale.  As well as the pages to purchase, there are also a wealth of free items to download.  So far, I haven't found the need to purchase any more "kits" - as I have of course made full use of all the free ones on offer!
 As well as a sewing themed header, I've also created one for my "writing" blog.  (Shame I've yet to write anything to put in it - but I'll get there eventually!)
 Once you have purchased the software, any further kits you purchase are added to the library for future use.  The only drawback I have found so far, is that all the elements are stored under the "kit" title - so it does take a little searching through to find exactly what you are looking for.  Other than that, I can't find any fault with the programme, and am more than happy to recommend it to others.

I received a tweet this morning from autumnmiss2011 asking how I made my blog header.  Thank you Gill for asking; you reminded me that I hadn't blogged about the software yet! Slapped wrist.  After a quick mess-about, I've produced a possible header for Gill, including an uploaded photograph as an example of what can be achieved in a short time:
I'm sure you'll agree that it looks quite professional.  I had to keep the background white, as the photo of the chickens was on a white background.  I could have used a "kit" with chickens in - but that meant buying it.  Of course not!  To create this header I've used a combination of several "kits", including a few elements from the one that I purchased.  Creating something like this is enjoyable and straightforward, as it is quite easy to grasp the techniques required.  If you do find yourself stuck with something, there are good tutorials on the site, together with an array of examples of what may be achieved.

Welcome to the Family! from Lisa Jurrens on Vimeo.

Of course, I haven't ended up with a scrapbook page as intended.  Instead, once happy with what I've created.......... it's a simple process of saving the page as a j.peg image and storing in my picture files.  Then a quick whizz into Paint to crop and re size to the required size and the creation is ready to use.

Together with all the elements that make up any kit, there are also ready made pages for instant use.  Many of these are quite lovely and are absolutely perfect for last minute gifts.

The purchase price of the My Memories Digital Scrapbooking Suite direct from their website is just under 40 dollars.  Now, without knowing about the programme - I would never have considered purchasing it.  However - knowing how helpful it is to me after trying it out, I would say it has been a good investment.

I can think of so many instances when I will use this software.  Absolutely perfect for blog art, fabric printing, cards, gift tags - oh let's face it - just about any collage of pictures and art that you want to print.  You know what - I bet it would also be jolly lovely used as it was intended in the first place - be great for photo albums! :)

Great offer!  If after reading this post you are interested in purchasing the programme, copy and paste this promotional code for a great discount -  

(Please note - This unique code ONLY valid for My Memories Suite v)
To enter site - CLICK HERE 

By using the code you will receive a discount of 10 dollars off the purchase price.  In addition, once you've purchased, you receive a further $10 dollars to spend in the online store (this should be ample to purchase 2 kits, and give you plenty of designing material to work with).  So for (at today's exchange rate) just under £19 you will be all ready to create your own digital loveliness with ease.

Downloading the software is simple and straightforward as with anything else direct from the net.  Initially I had a few problems as the programme is US based, and it didn't like my UK address.  A quick email to the company revealed a glitch in their programming which they were aware of, and may well have been rectified by now.  I overcame it by changing the address to the My Memories company address at their suggestion - and voila - it worked perfectly.


  1. Hey great post, thanks for the mention too. It sounds easy enough even for me ;-))

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog post and love what you have done! I also enjoyed learning about using digital software.


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