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French Boudoir Pillow

 I've called this my French Boudoir Pillow, as it does have a bit of a French theme going on, and I reckon the only place it can go is on my bed.  

(Boudoir it ain't - but it sounds good).

I think this is the most fun I've had with my sewing machine for ages, and considering the "gay abandon" with which I attacked this project, I don't think its turned out too badly.

From Moda - Curio range
 You see I had fallen in love with this piece of fabric, and wanted to do something with it.  Due to the overall stripe pattern, I didn't want to cut it up.  However, just a plain pillow seemed very boring.  How to jazz it up?

In the end I went a little bit mad.  Grabbed a bag of vintage lace and started attaching.  Then I printed off a few French themed vintage images onto printable fabric sheets.  Three vintage doilies for good measure, a handful of ancient buttons and a few bits of broken jewellery later - I had a cushion front that looked very random but okay.

A vintage photo reduced and a bit of broken necklace

 As for the quilting?  Um.... well that's delightfully vague too.  I've done lines, swirls and squiggles using the fabric and positioned shapes as a guide.  Any seasoned quilter who spends hours hand quilting.....  I know!  But - this was super quick, and it doesn't look half bad.

I used WordArt to add text to a vintage label image
For once, I thought I'd give the machine a rare treat, and allow it to use a few of its many stitch patterns.  Goodness knows, they are seldom used.  Some of them are really pretty.  Again I've followed the lines of the fabric, and meandered around a few shapes.

I love the randomness of it, and the lacey fabric
The back of the pillow is far more reserved.  I've used toning fabric to make an envelope opening.
I couldn't resist adding a bit of zing with a ric-rac, lace and pom-pom trim combo.  It's a smiley pillow!

To finish the edges, I have used binding as you would for a quilt.  I cut the binding at 1 3/4 inches and pressed it in half.  Using a quarter inch seam, it worked perfectly.  I intended to hand sew the seam down at the back (I did - honestly!), but....  it was just too tempting to pin and machine.  From the front it looks as though it has been quilted "in the ditch".  (Doing that again!).


  1. another winner Jan, Its lovely. You are so clever. I love the row of beads

  2. I love this pillow!! I am so glad I found you on blog-train! :)

  3. Love your pillow design! Beautiful work! :)

  4. Genius! If I saw this in a shop....I would have to have it! It is so very unique. Bravo!


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